The longest tarikkk: Wonda Kopi Tarik Edition of MARKETING magazine sets a Guinness World Record
9. Craft Kancils [9.21a English Copywriting, Content Writing & Scriptwriting: Single]

Wonda Coffee
Etika Sdn Bhd
Wonda was celebrating its 10th year anniversary. Launched in 2013, the brand had come from nowhere to take a big sip out of the RTD coffee market, gulping down 30% market share which had earlier belonged mainly to Nestle's Nescafe. The key to Wonda's success was innovation: it created a massive impact when it launched a local flavour, kopi tarik, a salute to the mamak restaurant favourite loved by Malaysians. Many innovative campaigns followed, along with awards. How could the brand celebrate its 10th Anniversary and reiterate its local credentials to the marketing community, and create positive ripple effects?
The brand's strategy was simple: target the core marketing community, numbering around 25,000 in Malaysia. We wanted to create something tangible, that people could hold, read, share and keep. The best vehicle: MARKETING magazine, run by the reputed Professor Harmandar Singh. But instead of coming up with a standard commemorative issue, the team, along with the client, wanted to make a big impression while reinforcing the brand's kopi tarik (pull) connect. We decided to launch the longest ever magazine (really tarik), working with MARKETING magazine. We worked with the Guinness Book of World Records to ensure that we could indeed meet the criteria to be the LONGEST in the world. We found a way to stitch together 60,000 pages with an army of assemblers working with our printers. And we finally distributed the September issue of MARKETING magazine, packed with new and nostalgic content, specially written and designed, for this record breaking issue.

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