Yeo's Immuno That Guy Who Just Never Takes Sick Leave
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.2a Film (Online): Single]

Yeo's Immuno Soy Milk
Yeo Hiap Seng (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Fortified with Vitamin B6 and Zinc, YEO'S IMMUNOâ„¢ SOY MILK wanted to be positioned as the ideal breakfast beverage, supporting both one's immunity and daily nutritional needs. However, Yeo's was entering an oversaturated breakfast beverage market. They wanted to appeal to busy, time-strapped and health-conscious urbanites who desire a smooth, nutritious start to their day. A 30seconder video was requested to launch this product.
We kicked off the new product launch with the premise: Smooooth days start with your first sip. In our video 'That Guy Who Just Never Takes Sick Leave', we feature a corporate employee simply gliding through the office, a picture of health and vitality as he experiences a smooth start to his work day, all thanks to the convenient and nutritious YEO'S IMMUNOâ„¢ SOY MILK.