Reconnecting Mealtimes With Pepsi
6. Digital Experience Kancils [6.17 Kancil for Good: Digital Experience]

PepsiCo Malaysia
As mobile devices become a major part of our lives, we find ourselves spending more hours connecting with them than with the people who matter most to us, even during mealtimes where conversations and connections traditionally happen.
As the beverage brand that aims to own mealtimes, Pepsi wants to bring these meal moments back and recover the lost mealtime hours we could have spent connecting with our loved ones. To achieve that, we launched a campaign during Eid al Fitr aka Hari Raya aka the biggest holiday of the nation, which thanks to the festive feast has arguably the biggest mealtimes of the year. Our initiative incentivised Malaysians to connect with their loved ones during mealtimes through the very thing that was disconnecting them in the first place '“ their mobile devices. When Malaysians log into our special site during Hari Raya mealtimes and leave their phones alone, they will start collecting offline hours. The more hours their mobile devices remained untouched, the higher their chances of winning rewards.To further incentivise Malaysians to build real connections, for every offline hour they have collected, a meal care pack will be donated to underserved communities.

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