Coway: The Art Of Dreaming
9. Craft Kancils [9.8 Mixed Reality Storytelling]

House Electrical Appliances
Coway Malaysia
Coway is a brand well known for water and air purifiers amongst Malaysians. In 2023, the brand aspired to expand its business portfolio with new products in the pipeline, ready to launch; introducing a series of new massage chairs, air conditioners, and mattresses that aim to improve the quality of living for Malaysians.But, how could Coway leapfrog far more established brands in the market and become the new leader in owning the product categories mentioned
Can Coway take the lead in exploring the space between waking & sleep that no other brands have done before DREAMS? We asked Malaysians to share with us their night-time visions and visualised those submissions into unique, dreamy works of art that painted a map of the Malaysian dreamscape. In the process, we revealed connections between the nature of one's dreams and pre-bedtime habits or environment. The films served as inspirations for the nation to rest better with Coway. By integrating generative AI into our storytelling, it allows us to do things that simply weren't possible before, like visually portraying the magical world of dreams that until now has only existed in our heads. There are two key films: one serves as recruitment to drive intrigue and another to drive relevance and connection between Dream and Coway products how Coway helps Malaysians to rest and sleep better.

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