Zip Pest - Isolate Pests, Isolate Harm.
5. Design Kancils [5.3 Poster Design]

Pest Control
Zip Pest Solution
When we think pests, we typically picture creepy crawlies like termites, rats and bats. But the reality in a tropical country like Malaysia is that bugs are by far the biggest threat to households and their general wellbeing. So as the experts in infestation control, Zip Pest wants to clearly communicate their strength in isolating these harmful pests - especially to their predominantly Chinese-speaking customers.
The written Chinese language consists of different structures for word creation. One such structure is called "会意法', which involves combining two or more characters with separate meanings to construct a new word. In fact, most pest names are created using this structure, with the radical "虫" (insect) combined with another character that describes its harmful nature such as venom or disease. Using this cultural insight, we've separated the "虫" radical from its accompanying character to showcase how Zip Pest effectively isolates pests for a worry-free life. To best represent this, we deconstructed common pest names like 蝳 (spider), 螏 (centipede), èž› (mole cricket) and è™» (horse fly) that simultaneously demonstrates our comprehensive pest control solutions.

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