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5. Design Kancils
5.1 Brand Identity Design
5.2 Printed Communication Design
5.3 Poster Design
5.4 Motion Design
5.5 Digital & Interactive Design
5.6 Brand Environment & Retail Design
5.7 Experience Design
5.8 Packaging Design
5.9 Product/Service Design (Eligible for Innovation)
5.10 Best design-led integrated campaign
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
5.12 Innovation in Design
5.13 Creative Effectiveness: Design
5.14 Kancil for Good: Design
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Twin Fates
5.3 Poster Design
Twin Fates
5.14 Kancil for Good: Design
TM: Characters of Blessing
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
Heidden In Plain Sight
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
Heidden In Plain Sight
5.3 Poster Design
TM: Characters of Blessing
5.10 Best design-led integrated campaign
TM: Characters of Blessing
5.12 Innovation in Design
Toilet Break
5.3 Poster Design
Smoke Break
5.3 Poster Design
棋ä¹èžèž Good Taste Good Play
5.8 Packaging Design
Infinity Prosperity
5.9 Product/Service Design (Eligible for Innovation)
Touch WOODS'
5.8 Packaging Design
Touch WOODS'
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
Infinity Prosperity
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
Star Golden Hearts Award - 10 Years
5.14 Kancil for Good: Design
Tealive: Brewing Positivity
5.1 Brand Identity Design
Gong Xi Kongsi Blood Donation Drive
5.2 Printed Communication Design
Gong Xi Kongsi Blood Donation Drive
5.3 Poster Design
Gong Xi Kongsi Blood Donation Drive
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
Gong Xi Kongsi Blood Donation Drive
5.14 Kancil for Good: Design
EYS CNY Blind Box Packaging Design
5.8 Packaging Design
AnXin Mid-Autumn AR Packaging
5.7 Experience Design
SAJI - Terima Kasih Malaysia
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
SAJI - Terima Kasih Malaysia
5.13 Creative Effectiveness: Design
RED(iscover) PACKET
5.2 Printed Communication Design
RED(iscover) PACKET
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
EYS CNY Blind Box Packaging Design
5.7 Experience Design
Baskin-Robbins: The Loong Pack
5.2 Printed Communication Design
Baskin-Robbins: The Loong Pack
5.8 Packaging Design
Baskin-Robbins: The Loong Pack
5.9 Product/Service Design (Eligible for Innovation)
Baskin-Robbins: The Loong Pack
5.12 Innovation in Design
Baskin-Robbins: The Loong Pack
5.13 Creative Effectiveness: Design
Baskin-Robbins: The Loong Pack
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
Baskin-Robbins: The Loong Pack
5.6 Brand Environment & Retail Design
Baskin-Robbins: The Loong Pack
5.7 Experience Design
Shielder - The Living Brand Identity
5.1 Brand Identity Design
Shielder - A Masterpiece for River Peace
5.6 Brand Environment & Retail Design
Shielder - The Living Brand Identity
5.14 Kancil for Good: Design
Jaya Grocer Gift Cards Makeover
5.8 Packaging Design
The Cogs of Co-Creation
5.2 Printed Communication Design
Hijab Perfume
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
Tealive: Brewing Positivity
5.8 Packaging Design
Odd Uncertainties
5.3 Poster Design
Kara's Packs of Inspiration
5.8 Packaging Design
Kara's Packs of Inspiration
5.13 Creative Effectiveness: Design
5.1 Brand Identity Design
5.9 Product/Service Design (Eligible for Innovation)
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
5.14 Kancil for Good: Design
Genting Sustainbiz
5.3 Poster Design
5.7 Experience Design
Bask Bear: Bite Lick Enjoy
5.1 Brand Identity Design
Tristan Preserved
5.8 Packaging Design
Bask Bear: Bite Lick Enjoy
5.2 Printed Communication Design
Bask Bear: Bite Lick Enjoy
5.4 Motion Design
Jaya Grocer Gift Cards Makeover
5.9 Product/Service Design (Eligible for Innovation)
Bask Bear: Bite Lick Enjoy
5.6 Brand Environment & Retail Design
Croco Toothbrush
5.1 Brand Identity Design
Bask Bear: Bite Lick Enjoy
5.8 Packaging Design
5.13 Creative Effectiveness: Design
Grab Signatures' SugarBun RestoBag
5.9 Product/Service Design (Eligible for Innovation)
Durex The Art of Play
5.14 Kancil for Good: Design
BananaBro Banana Leaf Blankie
5.9 Product/Service Design (Eligible for Innovation)
BananaBro Banana Leaf Blankie
5.11 Best use of Cultural Insights in Design
ZUS Made in Malaysia
5.14 Kancil for Good: Design
The Calorie Absorber Pro
5.8 Packaging Design
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