Sama Saja
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.10 Best use of brand integration & sponsorships/partnerships]

Challenge: Most users perceive Jaya Grocer on GrabMart to be different from the stores in terms of prices and selection. But the truth is, Jaya Grocer offers the same prices and selection on the app and in stores. How can we communicate that they're both the same? Challenge Most users perceive Jaya Grocer on GrabMart to be different from the stores in terms of prices and selection. But the truth is, Jaya Grocer offers the same prices and selection on the app and in stores. How can we communicate that they're both the same?
Instead of saying it, we sang it to the tune of a popular Malaysian 80s classic: Mulanya Di Sini (aka Sama-Sama). By replacing one letter, we turned 'Sama-Sama' into 'Sama Saja' which changed the meaning from 'together' to 'practically the same'. The nostalgic song was rewritten lyrically to feature our USPs: same prices and selection. It was also rearranged to resemble a city pop track a genre that has been gaining popularity in the recent years. To further drive home our message of Jaya Grocer being the same on the app and in stores, the music video featured a pair #twinfluncers. One twin represented Jaya Grocer on GrabMart, while the other embodied Jaya Grocer stores.

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