Landasan Kenangan
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.2a Film (Online): Single]

Food & Beverage
KFC Malaysia
The ask was to produce a Raya film. This was during a season where there was a negative perception globally on American-associated brands as a result of the ongoing conflict in the Middle-East. Despite KFC Malaysia being locally owned, it was caught in the crossfire of heat on American-owned brands. Was there a way for us to approach the celebrations of this festive season, yet being sensitive to emotions of our Malay customers?
We decided to take a softer approach in dealing with the sentiments that were pinned against the brand. Instead of putting the spotlight on the negative, we chose to focus on the finger lickin' good beauty found in the lives of Malaysians; specifically the Malay community. Shifting the focus away from the face of KFC; a white man, to the faces and people of Malaysia. This led us to use a docu-story execution for our film, in order to feature a mix of cast but also real people from the Malay community. Capturing raw moments and scenes, enabling us to celebrate the beauty found along the route of the East Coast Railroad. Highlighting the beauty of the landscape, culture and people found along the route.

Flag Entryx
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