Coway Raya 2023: Lembaran Baru Lebaran
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.1b Film (Broadcast & Cinema): Campaign]

House Electrical Appliances
Coway Malaysia
Coway aims to create more meaningful connections with local audiences in order to build brand affinity. So how does Coway, a Korean water and air purifier brand stay relevant and talked about by Malaysians during one of the most celebrated and important festives of all time, Raya?
Growing up in a Malay household, for the most part, meant that there were certain unspoken rules, superstitions, and taboos (pantang larang) that we had to live by–even when we're well into our adult years. However, a few if not all of them are generally just told to ensure our safety and well-being. Our beliefs are deeply rooted and are based on little evidence as we argue and fight over them. During this joyous occasion, we see an opportunity where we can learn from our past mistakes by debunking these old pantang larang(s) to let go of the old and embrace its true meaning with Coway. We revive Malaysia's repertoire of myth and folklore tales that resonate with both young and old, shining a light of truth to the misconceptions behind the many 'pantang larang' beliefs we still hear today.

Flag Entryx
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