Voter Education With Professor Wong Chin Huat
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.15 Kancil for Good: Film & Branded Content]

Public Service Announcement (PSA): Voter Education
BFM Media Sdn Bhd (Self-Branded)
How do you convince people from all walks of life to come out and vote during the State Elections (PRN), when they *just* voted in a new government in the General Elections (PRU) 8 months ago? The brief was to create a timeless voter education series that can address voter fatigue during the August 2023 state elections, and encourage Malaysians to play their part in choosing their future.
BFM came up with a series of videos using the treatment of 'Good Morning messages' that are usually reshared on family WhatsApp group chats. Merging voter education with attention-grabbing, over the top graphics, BFM managed to spread 5 key voting messages. These messages directly answer the concerns and arguments raised by voters who were: a) Penatlah nak undi PRN kali ini b) Rakyat lagi untung bila PRU dan PRN diasingkan? c) Buat pilihan raya banyak kali membazir duit rakyat? d) Kalau kerap sangat buat pilihanraya, politisyen asyik berkempen dan tak buat kerja e) Demokrasi ni benar-benar wujud ke? This 5 episode-series featured Professor Wong Chin Huat, a renowned political scientist and columnist who worked closely with BFM to craft the message of each video. The videos received mass viewership, reshares and comments during the lead-up to the August 2023 state elections.

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