Jaya Grocer Gift Cards Makeover
5. Design Kancils [5.9 Product/Service Design (Eligible for Innovation)]

Grab Jaya Grocer
Problem:The marketing team needed help to drive sales of their gift cards for the year-end season. But gift cards often come across as impersonal. Gift cards for groceries? Worse. It almost feels like they're chosen by people who didn't care enough to get you something for you.
Solution:We knew we couldn't transform gift cards overnight, but we could relook at how they're present-ed (hur hur). So, we turned our attention to the sleeve that holds the card. With clever designs and irreverent humour, we transformed the sleeves into greeting cards, turning them into more thoughtful and intentional gifts. And instead of shying away from the awkwardness of gifting grocery gift cards, we leaned right into it. Our cards speak to those who prefer to be real, rather than pretend they've got it all figured out turning 'boring' grocery cards into a fun and light-hearted solution, be it for Christmas, birthdays, or diet season.