Bajo Active: Fruits of Labour
9. Craft Kancils [9.1a Film Direction: Single]

The Tapping Tapir
As a newcomer in the world of hydration beverages targeting Gen Z, Bajo Active aspires to recognise and empathise with the distinctive challenges this generation faces. Referred to as the 'strawberry generation,' they are often unjustly labelled as weak and lacking resilience. However, the reality is that they navigate an exceptionally demanding societal landscape while confronting significant pressures along the way.
Find your mojo. Find your bajo. As a newcomer in the world of hydration beverages targeting Gen Z, Bajo Active aspires to recognise and empathise with the distinctive challenges this generation faces. Inspired by the resilient Bajau sea nomads, our mission was to awaken the spirit of determination within Gen Z. The launch campaign is an ode to the brand's artisanal approach with meticulously handcrafted details to showcase the burning passion Bajo Active shares with a misunderstood group of go-getters.

Flag Entryx
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