Selamat Cover Raya
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.14 Creative Effectiveness: Film & Branded Content]

Tune Protect
Raya is a period of great food, great family moments, and great Raya songs. Also, a period for a great number of road accidents. Tune Protect wanted to remind road users to be careful and to remind them about the importance of having a reliable and fast road insurance service, without dampening the festive mood.
We wanted something real, something that the audience have experienced before. So, we invited Malaysians to share their road mishaps. We collected over 200 stories in just 5 days. We then turned the best stories into a Zapin song, blending local humor with traditional music. We chose Zapin as it was one of the most popular dance and musical forms in traditional Malay performing arts. It also has a more relaxed feel, with lyrics and delivery that are often playful and tongue in cheek.The song was performed by traditional Zapin singers and musicians '“ Haziq Rosebi and Orkes Melayu Rojer. Then, we recorded a simple music video. Selamat Cover Raya made Tune Protect a unique insurance brand that truly resonated with the people. We sold twice the number of policies, with a 106 percent increase in sales. And made an additional profit of RM398,000 ++ for the client.