Projek BacaBaca: Transforming Literacy Through Digital Innovation with BacaLabs
6. Digital Experience Kancils [6.17 Kancil for Good: Digital Experience]
Education Management Platform
Taylor's University
Projek BacaBaca, launched in 2021, has made significant strides in addressing literacy challenges for underserved communities in Malaysia, positively impacting over 350 children. However, as the initiative grows, managing volunteers, conducting assessments, and providing real-time feedback has become increasingly complex and time-consuming.
BacaLabs - a digital platform designed to streamline the management of Projek BacaBaca's literacy programs, making them more efficient for administrators and volunteers. BacaLabs enhances the program by providing real-time tracking, volunteer feedback systems, and assessment tools, all while laying the groundwork for future improvements using A.I. and Big Data.