Happy Fresh_Cheapest In Town, For Your Grocery Run
9. Craft Kancils [9.5a Visual Effects: Single]

Online grocery platform
Happy Fresh
With the rising cost of living, HappyFresh wanted to give Malaysians reasons again to celebrate every trip to the grocery store. They launched a new offering called HappyFresh Supermarket that gave customers bargain prices, fresh produce, and mobile convenience to make the shopping experience a lot less grim.
To bring the message to life, they engaged Imaginary Friends and Directors Think Tank. Together, they produced a surreal spot with dancing disembodied legs that featured rising Malaysian rap artiste Hullera. '24 hours in a day is practically nothing for many of us. And that informed the purpose behind this campaign '“ to illustrate how consumers can do their grocery shopping within minutes without any worries. On top of that, we were also intent on instilling the fun factor in the e-grocery experience as we want to flip the script on what a shopping experience should feel like,' said Darren Lee, Head of Marketing at HappyFresh Malaysia.

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