Rumah Mak (Mak's Home)
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.2a Film (Online): Single]

Raya Brand Film
Khazanah Nasional
Khazanah Nasional believes in increasing the capacity of each individual to live a full and purposeful life. It's why they invest in various initiatives and businesses across the country. But as a sovereign fund, it was difficult to convey what they did as the measure of success comes from lived experiences. So on Hari Raya, we created a film that would illustrate the impact Khazanah Nasional has on improving Malaysians' lives.
CULTURAL INSIGHT: Filial piety is an important aspect of Asian culture and society. Children are expected to bring their parents to live with them, in order to better look after them in their old age. However, when that happens we start treating them like they are incapable of looking after themselves. We are parenting our parents, which take away their sense of independence and purpose in life. THE IDEA: Show how Khazanah Nasional has enabled Malaysians at every level, even the elderly, to live a purposeful and fulfilled life by subverting what we have come to believe filial piety should look like. Rumah Mak is the story of how Puteri, the titular Mak's (mother's) daughter, comes to understand that her best intentions to bring Mak to live with her in the city has done more harm than good. The film encapsulates how a house is not just where we live, but the communities we have fostered and the place where we can be our best selves. And there

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