8. Brand Experience & Activation Kancils [8.2 Best digital-led brand experience & activation]

Heineken Malaysia Berhad
As a brand that's over 264 years old, it is no surprise why Gen Z's think we're old. And it doesn't help that our beer is bitter. So, in today's digital-led world, how do we not only capture the attention of the Gen Z, but also convert them into Guinness lovers?
While Gen Zs don't like Guinness and its bitter taste, they like weird food TikTok trends like Pasta Chips, Carrot Bacon. And Sushi Pizza.So, as a brand that's proven to be the perfect ingredient in thousands of recipes around the world, we found the perfect opportunity. If we can't make Gen Z's drink our beer, we made them eat it. By putting the power in their hands to create unique Guinness dishes in real-time, in their own unique language: Emojis.Here's how it works. An Instagram Chatbot maps unique food emoji combinations to our database of thousands of Guinness recipes to generate a Guinness dish in real-time. If the recipe didn't exist yet, we created them at our Guinness Flavour by Fire festival in partnership with celebrity chef, Sherson Lian.

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