UNI5G: Live Unstoppable
9. Craft Kancils [9.11 Music in Audio Media]

Mobile Network Provider
The arrival of 5G in Malaysia has been spoken about for years. Finally, it's here. And while we were gearing up for the battle of territory in the minds of consumers, so were our competitors. 5G has levelled the playing field, and everyone was starting from ground zero. But we were still far behind our competitors. Amongst mobile service providers, Unifi was far more related to Broadband, Mobile wasn't top of mind. So how did we rise to the challenge and stand out from the crowd?
The introduction of UNI5G marked the rebirth of Unifi Mobile. Our identity, refreshed. Our purpose, renewed. And our voice, recharged. To mark the launch, we debuted the 'Live Unstoppable' brand campaign. Driven by an adrenaline-pumping sonic identity for UNI5G, the music track presented the anthemic brand narrative of Live Unstoppable as a call to action for Malaysians to take up and wield the unstoppable power of UNI5G to in turn, make themselves and their lives, truly unstoppable. In just one month, awareness for Unifi Mobile increased by 36% and brand recall improved by a whopping 85% (exposed audience vs control audience).

Flag Entryx
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