During Deepavali, The Chicken Rice Shop launched a new limited-time Indian-inspired dish. They aim to increase footfall and get more customers to dine-in at their outlets.
We needed to come out with a campaign that focuses on the festive season while creating buzz and talkability that resonates with the audiences.
Malaysians often watch Bollywood movies as they are famous for their musicals, dance sequences and catchy sing-alongs.
In certain Bollywood movies, there is always a significant melodic tune that transitions the drama into a full-on musical.
So, to celebrate Deepavali, we named the dish Ayam Pedas Bollywood (Spicy Bollywood Chicken).
We launched a radio jingle by repurposing the significant melodic tune to portray how the taste of Ayam Pedas Bollywood can also give our audience a similar Bollywood experience.