The Unexpected Gift
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.2a Film (Online): Single]

CelcomDigi Berhad
The year-end period was an opportunity for CelcomDigi to reflect its diverse customer base, as it has the largest network footprint in the country. Understanding East Malaysians are the largest audience base celebrating the year-end festivities, we looked to showcase the celebrations from their unique perspective.
This was told through a festive film that follows the adventures of Gideon after discovering he has a long-lost relative. In his quest to reunite the family, he enlists the help of his sister who works in KL - highlighting the current trend of East Malaysian youth migrating to West Malaysia for more opportunities. Together they succeeded in their search, surprising their Grandmother, Inik, with the arrival of her brother on Christmas eve, delivering a memorable surprise for her and the entire family. This heart-warming story of Gideon fulfilling his gift for his beloved Inik serves as a reflection of the brand's promise - Creating a World Inspired by You.

Flag Entryx
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