Time Cinta Paranormal Tiada Lagi Drama Pukul 7 Dengan WiFi 7
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.2a Film (Online): Single]

WiFi 7
Time Internet
Everyone's heard about the arrival of WiFi 7, but only a handful of enthusiasts truly understands its highly technical capabilities. As the nation's first 100% fibre Internet provider, Time wants to be the first to connect Malaysians to a faster, stronger and more stable internet connection; at the same time, build stronger brand affinity amongst Malay audiences.
While Malay soap operas own the 7pm time slot on local TV channels, we used every other hour of the day to introduce a new way to enjoy a drama-free internet with Time on WiFi 7 router. To change the outcome of internet dramas, we started by taking cliche plot premises forbidden love, ghostly encounter and gave it a twist, by showing how the new Time WiFi 7 router can solve their drama and connect them to a happy ending.