VIU Hilang - What Went On In Kg. Seri Daik
8. Brand Experience & Activation Kancils [8.5 Best launch/relaunch]

Drama Series
VIU, a streaming platform serving local and Asian content was about to launch its new horror-thriller series - HILANG. But how could it stand out from the influx of content released by its competitors such as Astro, Netflix, iQiyi, Disney+, and more?
We leveraged on Malaysia's fixation with paranormal tales and uncovering hidden gems and brought the fictional Kg. Seri Daik from the series to life. Through realistic storytelling, we spread the word about the village, which eventually led the audience to unravel the mysteries by streaming HILANG on VIU.On top of building suspense on our Facebook page, we seeded out stories of the fictional village via local media outlets and paranormal influencers to rile up netizens into finding out the whereabouts and what went on in Kg. Seri Daik. Kg. Seri Daik quickly gained a cult following. The page gained over 4,873 followers on Facebook and the hashtag #ViuOriginalHilang acquired over 16 million views on TikTok and became the talk of town on Instagram. This campaign also helped VIU possess a 40% increase in new users and a 35% increase in new subscriptions, with a total PR value of RM2 million.

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