Business Flex
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.2a Film (Online): Single]

Malaysia Airlines
With the launch of the new Business Flex category by Malaysia Airlines, we wanted to showcase what makes this new class so special.
To promote their new Business Flex, we read forums, asked rich people, and daydreamed about being them to get why they would spend on something so luxurious. It dawned on us that while comfort is the benefit we think of immediately, the even greater luxury is time. With features such as allowing passengers to board an earlier flight, unlimited flight date changes, and priority access, we wanted to communicate how time is the greatest luxury of all on Business Flex. To bring it all to life, and to cut through the clutter, we knew we had to be timely and relevant. At the time of the brief, the Wes Anderson 'aesthetic' TikTok trend was picking up steam. With our shoot locations in Japan, India, and Malaysia, we felt it was the perfect execution style to showcase the luxury of the Business Flex, with quirky little stories to highlight the features even further. When the spot launched, we managed to ride the Wes Anderson wave and present the brand in a fresh new light.

Flag Entryx
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