Awaken the Beasts
3. Print & Publishing Kancils [3.1b Best use of print: campaign]

2023 GR Series
Our mission was simple: To get all eyes on Toyota's 2023 GR Series launch, and build a brand platform that can create all the noise without the buzz.
Call it an instinct or an insight but when you get behind the wheel of one of these monsters, an uncontrollable rush awakens within you. As it takes over, there's only one way to drive the car like a BEAST. We created a visually-arresting identity by mixing two unlikely candidates - Manga and live action. We drew inspiration from the brand's racing roots in Japan knowing well its popularity would stop thumbs, in reality & on social media. This campaign also led to a film and an activation. And the results were not surprising: 'Awaken the Beasts' increased talkability and visibility with a +21k% surge on GR brand's presence indexed to the previous years.

Flag Entryx
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