Healing Tanpa Pening
6. Digital Experience Kancils [6.8 Best use of content marketing]

Travel Insurance
Tune Protect
Travel is favourite pastime for Malaysians. Staycations, local destinations, regional destinations, faraway destinations '“ Malaysians will take a break whenever they can find the time. Tune Protect wanted to take advantage by pushing its Travel Easy insurance plan to these would-be travellers. The client was looking at a video, as they felt that it was the easiest way to sell the product.
We put aside the idea of a single video '“ simply because travel is a year-long thing, with many destinations and potential mishaps. A single video would also be stale in weeks. Instead, we decided to create a series of microfilms '“ called Healing Tanpa Pening '“ to inform Malaysians of the potential mishaps and how Travel Easy can help you overcome them. Thanks to the extremely low budget we decided to go lo-fi. Each video was shot and made in-house '“ like building the small sets, creating the props, fixing the little outfits. Each element was printed, cut, and placed on satay sticks. Animation and movements were crudely done, but the outcome made the videos different and more in line with our younger audience. These videos were played on IG Stories, and other social platforms. In the end, we shot 8 Healing Tanpa Pening videos for only RM24,000. Policies sold (so far): 4,863, which is 62% more than previous year.