Watsons CNY 2023 - Happy Beautiful Year! 十全十美,过靓年!
9. Craft Kancils [9.23a Chinese Copywriting, Content Writing & Scriptwriting: Single]

Watsons Malaysia
Watsons Malaysia is the leading health and beauty retailer with 700 Watsons stores and growing in the country serving the needs of all Malaysians. With a track record of blockbuster-worthy Chinese New Year films paired with an absolute killer soundtrack, we asked ourselves, fresh out of the pandemic: how do we encapsulate the essence of Chinese New Year like never before while giving it our signature over-the-top twist?
We know Chinese New Year is a time for people to go all out, from the youngest cousinto the eldest great-grandparent. Lavish feasts, vibrant red and gold decorations, and a chance to transform from average Joe to glamorous diva.Yet, recent years have taught us a valuable lesson. The true essence of CNY lies not in appearances but in our inner feelings.So, in our film, we combined the different definitions of the perfect CNY celebration and used catwalks as a symbol to unite all for the perfect 10-out-of-10 celebration.Just as Watsons products enhance outer beauty, Watsons as Malaysia's leading health and beauty brand, encourages people to embrace their inner beauty and let it radiate outwardly.

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