Unifi - Geram Terminator
8. Brand Experience & Activation Kancils [8.5 Best launch/relaunch]

Fixed Mobile Convergence Plan
Once upon a time, everyone had a gazillion bills to pay. So Unifi created the first ever convergence plan that combined Wi-Fi, mobile, and streaming, all in one. A one-of-a-kind product that saves everyone from a lot of GERAM. How do we launch the plan with a bang? Our insight: whenever we see cute things, our brain releases dopamine and washes away all our GERAM. Just like Unifi's game-changing convergence plan. So what if we made the plan itself cute?
We created Yunni, the adorable hero of our convergence plan. More than a mere mascot, Yunni brought convergence to every corner, moving seamlessly from the big screens right to the streets. In just 2 weeks, Yunni won the hearts of Malaysians everywhere, eventually starting a Cult Of Convergence around her. The campaign was so successful, Yunni got promoted from the face of convergence, to the face of Unifi.

Flag Entryx
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