Touch WOODS'
6. Digital Experience Kancils [6.8 Best use of content marketing]

WOODS' Cough Syrup and Lozenges
Kalbe International
How can WOODS' - a 100 year old brand in cough remedies, connect with a younger audience on April Fool's Day?
Knowing that Singaporeans are a superstitious bunch, most clearly seen through the age-old practice of touching wood to get rid of bad luck, on April Fool's Day, we created a block of wood specially designed to ward of the bad luck of a bad cough as a joke, or so everyone thought The next day, in a video post, we revealed that inside that block of wood, was in fact, a real bottle of WOODS' Cough Syrup that actually relieves coughing. What appeared to be a joke was made for real. And we gave these limited-edition WOODS' block of wood packaging away for real, as excitement and hype for them grew. WOODS' reassured Singaporeans that the next time the bad luck of a bad cough strikes, all they need to do is TOUCH WOODS' for soothing relief.