Cheese Codes
7. Commerce Kancils [7.4 Best use of Targeting, Insights and Personalisation]

Cheesy Poppers Pizza
Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut Malaysia had an uphill battle when the annual Cheesy Poppers Pizza promo coincided at the same time as the 2022 FIFA World Cup. While we were tasked to close the year with a 10% YOY increase of sales, the stakes were a lot higher this time for maximum share of voice '“ so we looked beyond the usual cluttered media spaces and strategically played to win at all costs, with fewer spends.
The 2022 FIFA World Cup wasn't just played in Qatar. It was played on millions of smartphones. Cheese Codes is a real-time promo that rewards gamers for every goal scored at the World Cup. We created numerous codes by combining pizza toppings with player names '“ Mbapperoni (Mbappe, France), Crispiano (Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal), Mezzirella (Messi, Argentina), Neymarinara (Neymar, Brazil), Modrichili (Modric, Croatia) and more. By dropping unique pizza codes into the A-boards of popular football games, we allowed football lovers to play the game and conveniently order pizza with a tap. Research showed us a unique behavioural truth '“ we saw that they take a half-time break and divert their attention to mobile football games, recreating scores and matches on FIFA Mobile, Top Eleven and Football Manager. And quite often conversing in real-time as well. So we dialed up the buzz by taking the game to Twitter and releasing more Cheese Codes IRT.

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