For most Malaysians, their first coffee is likely a condensed milk-based coffee. To transition to an espresso-based coffee that usually comes with fresh milk is a big departure from the familiar palette that Malaysians are used to.To facilitate this transition at the point of brand adoption into McCafé, we introduced a new offering that appeals to Malaysian palates - Kopi Susu McCafé, coffee which is espresso-based and made with condensed-milk. It is sweeter and richer, appealing closely to Malaysian palates & preferences. Seeing this huge opportunity to introduce our own take on a drink Malaysians truly love, we needed to find a way to innovate and infuse a new rasa to Kopi Susu McCafe.
We created "Vibe Kopi Susu," an enchanting song collaboration that bridges together influencers from different generations - the timeless vocals of Malaysian legend Saloma, with the contemporary artistry of Malaysian rap sensation SonaOne and the melodious charm of singer Daiyan Trisha. "Vibe Kopi Susu" is a modern reinterpretation of the beloved Saloma classic, "Kopi Susu." This iconic track has been reborn with a fresh and innovative twist, combining reimagined instrumentation, AI voice technology to seamlessly channel Saloma's voice onto the song's expanded lyrics, and masterful song production by the multi-talented SonaOne, who serves as both the co-writer and producer of the song.Vibe Kopi Susu was also spread across multiple platforms such as YouTube, Apple Music, and Spotify for maximum reach. Results:Over 5.4 Million total YouTube Views13K All Time Streams on Spotify+ 62.8% increase in McCafé sales