Kimball Reunion Membawang - The Great Reunion Debate
9. Craft Kancils [9.22a BM Copywriting, Content Writing & Scriptwriting: Single]

Kimball Sauces
Kimball is a challenger brand in the sauces category but faced the challenge of slow sales. Their slow sales could be attributed to post-MCO habits where people no longer stay home and cook as much. But right now with the rising cost of living, how can we drive brand top-of-mind and usage for Kimball's affordable and convenient cooking solutions?
Malaysians might not have the best or the most but we improvise and add our own flavour to things to make the best of what we have. And this is how Kimball steps in. A few dashes can transform simple ingredients and turn shared meal times into a more flavourful one. We launched a campaign film featuring a regionally-diverse Malay family at a homestay, locked in a heated debate on what to cook that's both tasty yet affordable - featuring a range of regional dialects. In the end, with Kimball, everything is made possible.

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