The Scammerful Ramadan
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.2b Film (Online): Campaign]

Bank Negara Malaysia
Despite multiple awareness campaigns, financial scams were on the rise in Malaysia. During Ramadan, Malaysians were spending more to finance celebrations- making them more susceptible to scams. With Raya fast approaching, Bank Negara Malaysia needed a way to break through the clutter and increase scam awareness.
During Ramadan, Muslims believe evil spirits are locked away all-month long. That means, the only evil that exists during Ramadan are scammers! We used this insight to create entertaining PSA videos to teach Malaysians about how to spot scammers. In our videos, different scammers pretend to be an evil spirit trying to scam its victims. But before falling for the scam, our victims realise and call them out as nothing but scammers. Through this, Malaysians learned about APK Malware, bogus loans, mule account scam tactics and how to report them- in a way they had never seen before. We managed to make Malaysians more vigilant- engaging 2,588,155 people and seeing a 58% reduction in unauthorised online banking transactions reported after the campaign launched.

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