Sama Sama Nama
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.12 Best use of Cultural Insights in Film & Branded Content]

Matrix Concepts Holdings Berhad
Matrix Concepts Holdings Berhad
Our country Malaysia is known to be a melting pot of culture as a result of the different races that inhabit its lands. Unfortunately, with every passing day the Malaysian people are becoming more and more divided. This causes problems especially in regards to the progress of our nation and its economy. As such, the client wanted to play a role in reminding Malaysians that we're not all that different from one another and that we have a lot in common.
Through the real insights of which Malaysians don't address one another with their actual names but instead choose to call each other with more informal and familiar names no matter a person's age or social status, we created a short video that shows how Malaysian's treat one another as family and reminded Malaysians about how we are all the same. The video was released on Malaysia day which itself is a reminder of our unity as one people.

Flag Entryx
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