Nando's PERi-PERi101
8. Brand Experience & Activation Kancils [8.3 Best use of events & live experiences]

Nando's Chickenland Singapore Pte Ltd
Coming from the heartlands of South Africa, Nando's has been offering their signature flamed grilled PERi-PERi chicken to the community since 1987. However, brand awareness remains the lowest amongst Gen Zs. How can Nando's leverage the unique art, music and food influences of South Africa to appeal to Gen Zs and have them consider Nando's as a place for them to dine at?
We caught Gen Zs at one of the important events of their young lives'“ orientation week'“ to give them a taste of the Nando's lifestyle by creating a series of university-styled courses called Nando's PERi-PERi 101, which took students through classes that gave them an insight into certain aspects of Nando's rich heritage and culture. At the end of our course, all participants graduated with a Bachelor of PERi-PERi, and vouchers that brought them back to Nando's for a second serving!

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