Dugaan Raya: Bite-Sized Homecoming Adventures
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.2b Film (Online): Campaign]

Toyota Automotive Models
Toyota Malaysia
As April approaches, Toyota Malaysia anticipates a dip in sales due to the shortened working month caused by the Hari Raya festive holidays. As one of the market leaders in the automotive industry, Toyota faces increasing competition that threatens its stronghold on the market. Defending Toyota's market share during this period necessitates an agile strategy. How can we achieve this through a Raya film without diluting their brand message?
Let's call them The Drama Scrollers. They scroll through social platforms, consuming bite-sized content, of which were created that way or a long form content cut into many many bite sized by the public for easier digestion. Generally, contrary to groups from previous era, this group of audience don't mind watching content out of sequence or out of context (as featured in our case study video!). This new behaviour frees us from the restraint of serving episodic video ads in sequence, or needing to force a large context into very short film to battle against View-Through-Rates and goldfish attention spans nowadays. Focusing on vertical format to tap into current mainstream behaviour. Also adapted to horizontal format for key platforms like Youtube, but utilising visual frames to support the vertical video (instead of doing a horizontal cut for a vertical video). This also made space for inclusion of engagement trapping elements. We drove viewers down the funnel through 3 m

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