Awaken the Beasts
1. Film & Branded Content Kancils [1.3 Film (Social Platforms)]

GR Series
Our mission was simple: to get all eyes on Toyota's 2023 GR Series launch, and build a brand platform that can create all the noise without the buzz.
Over 48% of Malaysians love Anime & Manga. We mixed entertainment and live action together to create a bite-sized blockbuster film and give the brand a unique identity. Presenting 'Awaken the Beasts', an animated series that visually shows how our inner beast awakens when get behind the wheel of a GR car told through anime beasts and a MacGuffin trope as the storytelling arc. There was no big reveal and no clichéd plot twists. The film from start to finish is an action-packed, high-adrenaline chase sequence where a mysterious suitcase is taken from one point A to B by our protagonist. The brand presence grew 21,000 times when indexed to previous years. It became one the most talked about campaigns for Toyota. TikTok was abuzz with 130 million views till date establishing 'Toyota GR' as part of modern pop culture. We stopped over 20 million thumbs and evoked the wittiest responses from viewers.

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