Malaysia's 1st Reverse Vending Machine to collect Plaaastik Lama!
8. Brand Experience & Activation Kancils [8.13 Kancil for Good: Brand Experience & Activation]

Food delivery
In Malaysia, the spike in food delivery has created many jobs for gig workers, improved convenience for busy people, and got many small F&B owners to go digital. Yet, it also has the unintended consequence of creating more single-use plastic waste pollution. As the market leader, how can Grab make plastic disposal easier and more sustainable for the community?
Insight: We looked back to a time when recycling was integral to everyday life. Malaysians had an incentive to recycle, sparked by a local figure the old newspaper man. He'd announce his arrival with a chant ('Old newspaper! Paper lama!'), and reward residents for their old newspapers. This reward system became our guiding inspiration. Idea:Malaysia's first Reverse Vending Machine. Put plastic in, and a reward comes out.Sound Design:To evoke nostalgia, the machine plays a revised chant that says 'Plastik laaamaaa!'Partnership:Collaborating with KLEAN (a digital container deposit system), we created an advanced machine capable of accepting different types of food delivery plastics.Incentive:We rewarded users for recycling with GrabFood vouchers mirroring the incentive system of the past.

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