Adult Diaper Market leader becomes thought leader, with heroes and a band hunt!
8. Brand Experience & Activation Kancils [8.10 Best use of Cultural Insights in Brand Experience & Activation]

Adult Diapers
BRAND CHALLENGE: A PRODUCT OF SHAME Ageing continues to be seen as a decline, with frequent media portrayals of the weak, sedentary, feeble with little will nor agency of their own.The challenge surrounding incontinence exacerbates the problem, with the oft-held view that it heralds the end of a fulfilling life. TENA®, wanted to normalise the reality amongst society at large that seniors lead rich, fulfilling lives, regardless of incontinence, effectively removing the stigma attached to ageing sufferers. Capitalising on their unique value in people's life stage, TENA® embarks on a bold mission to champion Active Ageing.
Breaking long-held views of taboo topics requires extraordinary feats, and to affect a shift in perception at scale, embarked on 2 major groundbreaking initiatives. Initiative 1: TENA® Heroes, featuring 3 seniors over 60 starring as the brand stars. Subverting the oft-held view of ailing, sedentary and feeble elderly, these vibrant individuals reflect the hidden truth that seniors not only lead vibrant lives, 81% consider themselves active, and half feel both younger mentally and physically than their physical age. (source: Research 2022). We challenged the stereotypes, normalising the vibrant realness of active ageing - featuring real stories, real people, real circumstances. Initiative 2: With TENAcity, the brand ventured into the music industry to form a brand new band composed of veterans in their 50s who continue to rock. We utilised interests + music as an experiential perception-shift, and drove record sales.

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