WONDA At Every Corner
6. Digital Experience Kancils [6.16 Creative Effectiveness: Digital Experience]

WONDA Kopi Tarik
Etika Beverages Sdn Bhd
WONDA, a ready-to-drink coffee brand wanted to increase its share of voice and own the Malaysian football moments during the 2022 FIFA World Cup.But the challenge was that WONDA really needed to cut through the clutter, considering that other brands would also go all out with their advertisements and that WONDA was not an official sponsor of the World Cup.
We realized that in Malaysia, the FIFA World Cup is celebrated at very specific corners - the local corner shops and food stalls - where fans stay up to watch the matches late into the night. It's also where WONDA Kopi Tarik happens to be sold. So we decided to own what FIFA did not. By putting WONDA Kopi Tarik into every football and Malaysian moment. We rallied Malaysians from every corner to set a World Record in the Largest Online Video Chain Of People Performing Football Kick-Ups. On top of owning every corner of Malaysia with WONDA Kopi Tarik, we launched a CTA video on social media and Malaysia's busiest highways. The CTA video featured renowned male and female footballers that helped to unite Malaysians from all walks of life to participate in our cause. We also tackled Malaysia's favourite corners - Mamak shops. crowded football fields, and futsal courts - to score more participation.

Flag Entryx
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